
Transforming Organic Waste To Green Energy For Cooling

KijaniBox is an innovative project designed to accelerate Africa’s green transition and provide sustainable energy access to small businesses in the food supply chain. By converting organic waste into green energy for refrigeration and cooling, the project aims to reduce food loss and health risks.


KijaniBox is an innovative project aimed at addressing waste management, food preservation, and renewable energy needs in Africa. It features a small-scale, modular, off-grid waste-to-cooling system that converts organic waste into energy for refrigeration, thereby reducing food loss and waste. The project also includes a comprehensive support framework for local entrepreneurs, including tailored solutions, training, and business toolkits to promote sustainable economic growth and green job creation.


The main objective of the KijaniBox project: is to pave the way for long-term sustainable economic growth and green job creation opportunities in Africa and Europe by developing innovative waste-to-cooling solutions. The project aims to enhance food security, reduce food loss, and empower local communities through the implementation of cost-effective, environmentally friendly technologies and tailored business support systems.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe H2020 and Erasmus+ under grant agreement No 101128970.

Category: Horizon Europe

  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Kenya
  • Uganda
Duration: 2 years

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